pcfulchaos's Diaryland Diary


... of CEOs and Tee Blocks

Tim,Carrie and the girls are down from Sudbury for the week-end � so we�ve got a full house. I�m catching a few moments alone this morning � here as well as tying up a few loose ends at work before pandemonium erupts.

Adults are going golfing (yipee) and the kids are being watched by the girls. Didn�t get more than 3 holes in last week before the rains hit � but today looks like it just might hold out for a whole eighteen. I should be able to �whack� my work-related stress out on the white ball (okay so I use a pink ball � but let�s not get that picky). My drives are always longer and straighter when I can imagine someone�s head on the tee �.

Work related stress � politics � it drives me crazy. So arrogant CEO keeps sending out mixed signals � and I�ve started noting the subtle put-downs in every conversation. Why does every boss I work for have to be riddled with insecurity? Is that a pre-requisite?

Do I perhaps come off during interviews as less threatening, less competent than I actually am? Funny � one of the reasons I accepted this contract was because of CEO�s feedback - I believed that he knew who and what he was hiring � and he actually mouthed back the words �

Or � is it just a case of not being able to handle what you�ve wished for. Maybe it�s incompetence � doesn�t the principle say that everyone rises to that level? Or � sigh � maybe it�s just personality.

Me, me, me � blah, blah, blah �

He doesn�t listen � he over-reacts � assigns blame � is inconsistent � and now, micro-management �the branches I�m talking to have nothing but horror stories all based on the same � he doesn�t listen � speaks consultanese which never really says anything � assigns blame �

Oh lord � my intuition tells me that this is another one of those situations where I lose regardless � and seriously, do I really want to win?

Not much sense in wasting more time on this � complaining isn�t going to get me anywhere � but (grin) � now I know whose head I�ll be smashing on the tee-block!

7:30 a.m. - 2008-08-16

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