pcfulchaos's Diaryland Diary


Perils of the Full Moon

My entire life I�ve been haunted by old wives� tales and silly superstitions � you know the stuff about ladders, black cats and cracks that�ll break someone�s back. It has taken concerted effort on my part to let go of these silly tales with no foundation in any kind of reality �

� but the effects of a full moon � now that�s a different matter. It isn�t that I totally believe that men sprout fully follicled body suits and howl at the moon � but when life takes a distinct side-ways tilt, I find myself searching the night skies. It never fails � I find the man in the moon looking down at me � a whole grin on his big round face.

Perils of the full moon �

Work relationships run amok � the household gets frenzied, alive with constant buzzing � it�s always during a full moon that full glasses of milk or other sticky liquid go flying across the kitchen floor or the pie I�m pulling out of the oven slips � and kerplats somewhere between the oven door and dribbles to the floor. It�s always during a full moon that life takes all the accumulated maybes and throws them at me.

Jonathan goes silent, the girls get snarly � we�ve got pre, menstrual and post all in one home, Dave gets talkative � the dog whines � the doorbell rings � I pay the pool guy without thinking when he hasn�t completed everything he promised to do �my Mom calls out of the clear blue sky and announces she�s coming to visit in less than 48 hours with my twelve year old nephew (first time in four years) � and I just stand there a little dazed � in the same sweat pants I fell asleep in �cuz I crashed after pulling a late-nighter finishing a report for an ever-increasing cranky boss. And it�s just 11 AM.

Maybe I�m the one with less patience �

Could it be my perception that changes once a month when the moon is full?

Can�t be me � I say somewhat less firmly than I would wish � as the dials, switches and gizmos in my mind try to ascertain whether balance truly exists within � like setting a plane to see if the bubble sits in the middle. System check determines I�m somewhat frazzled but definitely not as tilted as the rest of the world �

Phew �

Real or not � that system�s check gives me the green light to move forward as planned. All�s right in my world � let the others re-balance themselves. I�ll have to tiptoe a little more quietly for a few days, watch for flying glassware and subsequent liquid pools, stay a step ahead of tyrant boss and bite my tongue around my mom �

It�s not like it�s my first full moon � by my count I�m experienced 576 of those in one way or another � now that�s a eye-opener!

11:45 p.m. - 2008-08-20

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