pcfulchaos's Diaryland Diary


Mission improbable ...

I really should be in the pool doing laps. As I sat on the deck having my morning coffee, I was the ribbon on the tug-of-war rope: diary or pool ... pool or diary. Looks like diary won!

So I'm off to play peace-maker ... not exactly what I'm suited. I know it may seem a tad strange that a mother of six who has stilled countless riots, near beheadings and sibling wars should deem herself not suited for a peace-making role ... but that's my home life ... not my professional one.

In my professional life ... I'm more the understated bitch ... better at creating order and structure than negotiating the delicate ups and downs, gives and takes of a peace treaty. But so I must ...

The Players: newly hired arrogant CEO of national non-profit VS passive-aggressive ED of largest provincial branch with a life-time of service ... and I'm in the middle. My mission whether I choose to accept it or not - to get Provincial Branch to agree to a cooperation agreement ... transparency and all those other buzz words that simply mean nothing more than "playing well together".

From what I can tell so far, passive-aggressiveness aside ... these two simply don't like each other. So - how do I tell my boss - he simply doesn't like you much?

The funny thing is that my boss (the arrogant one) uses such sophisticated business language that he could probably take that phrase, add twenty or so 4 syllable words and make the statement sounds so confusing and intimidating that he could get away with saying exactly that to his superior. Not me.

Two men of different decades ... and they're playing the age old game of who is the most well-endowed ... I'm bigger and better than you. See? Such a waste of time ... all that macho posturing ...

Is it in the genes? Is it sport?

And why ask a woman, who thinks that such games are just a ridiculous waste of time to play referee?

The pessimist cynic within me sounds the alarm - Watch out girl, you're going to get zapped in the cross-fire. Paranoia? No ... it's happened before that I was the sacrifical lamb in the midst of male games ...

Why can't I just be like the rest of the mob watching from the sidelines ...

Now if that isn't enough ... my second mission of the day is virtually the same only different players ... same arrogant CEO ... but player #2 is a Board member and Gala chair whose Gala will probably be a failure due to the machinations of Provincial Passive-Aggressive Guy mentionned above.

My mission: argue facts and illustrate that the plug needs to be pulled on his baby - the Gala and then report to Board and CEO.

Suicide missions if I'm not careful. Not one but two ... seems fitting that we're smack dab in the middle of the Olympics! So where did I put my minesweeper ... looks like I'll be needing one today.

9:00 a.m. - 2008-08-13

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